Tuesday, January 24, 2012

New York Times Report "How the US Lost Out on iPhone Work" Part 2

Here is the second part of the NY Times Report. Hope you enjoy!


Apple employs 43,000 people in the United States and 20,000 overseas, a small fraction of the over 400,000 American workers at General Motors in the 1950s, or the hundreds of thousands at General Electric in the 1980s. Many more people work for Apple’s contractors: an additional 700,000 people engineer, build and assemble iPads, iPhones and Apple’s other products. But almost none of them work in the United States. Instead, they work for foreign companies in Asia, Europe and elsewhere, at factories that almost all electronics designers rely upon to build their wares.

This means that most of the people who make the iPhones and iPads don't even work for Apple. They are contractors. The number of employees who are not contractors are a small fraction of the many workers employed at General Motors in the 1950's.

“Apple’s an example of why it’s so hard to create middle-class jobs in the U.S. now,” said Jared Bernstein, who until last year was an economic adviser to the White House.

“If it’s the pinnacle of capitalism, we should be worried.”

Apple executives say that going overseas, at this point, is their only option. One former executive described how the company relied upon a Chinese factory to revamp to revise or reconstruct iPhone manufacturing the operation of making wares or any products by hand, by machinery just weeks before the device was due on shelves. Apple had redesigned the iPhone’s screen at the last minute, forcing an assembly line overhaul examine or go over carefully for needed repairs. New screens began arriving at the plant near midnight.

Apple has said that overseas factories are their only option at this point in time. One thing that impressed Apple is that a Chinese factory reconstructed the iPhone just weeks before it was due in stores. Apple had decided that they wanted something different, and Apple changed the screen of the iPhone at the last minute. The Chinese factory then examined the iPhone for needed repairs. The new screens began arriving near midnight.

A foreman immediately roused 8,000 workers inside the company’s dormitories, according to the executive. Each employee was given a biscuit and a cup of tea, guided to a workstation and within half an hour started a 12-hour shift fitting glass screens into beveled frames. Within 96 hours, the plant was producing over 10,000 iPhones a day.

A foreman immediately aroused 8,000 workers from sleep in the company's dormitories. Each worker was given one biscuit and a cup of tea, led to a workstation and then within half an hour, started a 12 hour shift of fitting glass screens into frames. Within 96 hours, the plant the new iPhone screens were sent to, were producing 10,000 iPhones a day.

Stay tuned for part 3!

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Here I am !!!

Here I am !!!

This is my brother !!!

This is my brother !!!
He is my best friend and as you can see he is a comedian!

Birth of Godzilla 1952

Birth of Godzilla 1952
This is the birth of Godzilla made in 1952. In this scene Godzilla is coming out of an egg. Awww, how cute!


This will be an animation called Anguirus.


This is the American Godzilla. There is also a Japanese one.

Godzilla Tokyo SOS

Godzilla Tokyo SOS
This is called Godzilla Tokyo SOS and he is destroying an Island City.

Godzilla vs. Barney and his stinkin' friends

Godzilla vs. Barney and his stinkin' friends
This is Godzilla vs. Barney and his stinkin' friends who didn't take a bath. Godzilla is having them for dinner. Everyone except Ryan and me because Godzilla really likes us!

Godzilla vs. Rodan

Godzilla vs. Rodan
This will be a movie called Godzilla vs. Fire Rodan.

Mecha King Ghidorah

Mecha King Ghidorah
This is called Mecha King Ghidorah. This will be part of the Godzilla King of the Monsters series.


This is fire Rodan. He changes color and becomes fire Rodan.

Godzilla's Revenge

Godzilla's Revenge
This is called Godzilla's revenge. He is catching a human.

Godzilla's Muscles

Godzilla's Muscles
These are Godzillas muscles. Godzilla is very strong.

Godzilla bites Barney's stinkin' head off

Godzilla bites Barney's stinkin' head off
This is Godzilla vs. Barney. In this scene Godzilla is biting Barney's stinkin' head off.

Godzilla Attacks 1993

Godzilla Attacks 1993
This is Godzilla 1993. He is destroying the city of Tokyo.

Godzilla 1954

Godzilla 1954
This is Godzilla 1954. This scene is Black and White and he is coming out of the water. Tune in for more! Thanks for watching!

About my Godzilla installations...

So, those are my kid pix installations up there. But before I go on, I must inform you that it is not all fun and games here. Or maybe it is, you decide? You see, my mom turns everything into a learning adventure. You may look at my interest in Godzilla and see just that, a toy Godzilla. My mom however sees Math, Science , Social Studies, you name it, in everything that we do. For instance, when I make Godzilla toys, we measure them, each and everyone. Ryan helps! And, that’s math! I also have a strong interest in exporting my toys and opening my own Godzilla store. So, we work a lot with money and learning about the business of exporting, and that’s also math! Godzilla can be made from many different types of materials ... plastic, vinyl, clay, etc… . And, these materials can be mixed with other chemicals to make the toy more durable. That’s science! And, I like science! So does Ryan! We also looove learning about Tokyo, Japanese yen, and the Japanese language when we play with Godzilla. Here is a google map that we made of Godzilla destroying buildings around Tokyo (see below). I learned a lot about the city this way. That’s Social Studies! So you get the idea. Now Ryan has something to say. "I have Godzilla unleashed." "And, I have an Anguirus toy." "I have a King Ghidorah toy." "AND I have a Gigan toy." Alright alright Ryan that’s enough. "No, no I have something else to say." What is it? "I also have a Mothra toy!" Okay, okay, (covering Ryan's mouth) back to you people, here are some of my drawings of Godzilla. And some that Ryan drew. I just love my little brother:)!

Godzilla Destroys Tokyo

Godzilla Destroys Tokyo
You can learn all about Tokyo and other cities in Japan from the map that I made.

American Godzilla

American Godzilla
He's roaring! Rrrrr!

Godzilla destroys all monsters

Godzilla destroys all monsters
This is an animation and a future movie.

Godzilla 2000

Godzilla 2000
This is a picture of Godzilla 2000. It is a good one.


This is an Allosaurus! It is from walking with dinosaurs.

Young Allosaurus

Young Allosaurus
This is a 3 year old Allosaurus. He is pretty much of a grown up like in walking with dinosaurs. He is creeping up on a Ornitholestes.

Godzilla's FOOT

Godzilla's FOOT
This is godzilla's foot. Look at how big it is compared to how big we are. If he stomped on us, he would crush us!

Godzilla's BIG mouth

Godzilla's BIG mouth
This is part of an animation. A BIG one too just like Godzilla's BIG mouth and foot. In this part of the animation he is roaring. What do you think he'll do next?

Scary T-REX

Scary T-REX
This animation is of a t-rex growling at an Oviraptor. The t-rex is really angry. Do you think he'll eat him?