Hello, people (if there are any people). I know it's been a long time, but I had a lot of stuff to do, and I kind of forgot about this blog. But now that I'm back, I figured I might as well tell you about my present self . You already know my name, and I am now 13 years old. My birthday is May 18th. I'm still interested in Godzilla, and I have developed an interest in many other series like Star Trek, Dragon Ball Z, The Hobbit/Lord of the Rings(the books), Batman, and various other series'. I like to go outside, and my favorite hobbies are drawing, using my computer and/or phone, sculpting, animating and eating. Speaking of animating, I have a Youtube channel called joshzilla 2001 where I post all my animations. As I'm writing this, I only have two. If you see my previous blog posts, you'll know I have a tendency to say I'm going to make something, and end up never making it. I'm working on changing that. And to prove that statement, I am going to show you some drawings that I've made. Enjoy.

Sorry about the stains.

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