Monday, July 1, 2013
Treasure Island Chapter 3
It was about noon and Jim had stopped at the captain's door with some medicines and drinks. He was in the same state as before, only he seemed excited and weak. he told Jim that he was the only one that was worth anything there, and he's always been good to him. he asked him once again to bring him some rum. he tried to say something about the doctor, but the captain broke in cursing the doctor. He kept talking about how important the rum is to him and how to doctor is just a fool, and kept getting more and more excited, which surprised Jim, because his father needed peace and quiet that day. After he got one bottle of rum, the captain asked how long he'd have to lie in bed. Jim answered a week. The captain became outraged and complained about staying in a bed for a week. The captain kept talking, and was slowly growing weaker. He finally fell asleep, which Jim left him. the next morning he came downstairs and ate his meal, and then went out the door scowling and blowing his nose. He also began singing his old sea song.
Things passed until the funeral. Jim was having sad thoughts about his father, when he saw someone slowly walking near along the road. He was blind (or was thought to be), and wore a green shade over his eyes and nose. He was hunched, as if he had aged. He asked if anyone could inform him as to where he was. Jim answered "the Admiral Benbow". He then made him lead him upstairs and grasped his hand. He was forcing Jim to take him tot he captain. Jim was so terrified of this man that he forgot his terror of the captain. He handed something to the captain, and then skipped out of the parlor with incredible accuracy and nimbleness. The captain then sprang up out of his bed. But even as he did so, he put his hand to his throat and fell to the floor. The captain had been struck dead by apoplexy. Jim had never liked the man, and yet he burst into tears as soon he as he found out that he was dead.
Friday, June 28, 2013
Treasure Island Chapter 2
I read chapter two of Treasure Island yesterday, and it also seemed interesting.
Not long after the doctor and the captain fought, a series of strange events occurred. They finally rid them of the captain. The main character's father had to take care of the inn themselves, because his father was sick. it was one bitter January morning. The captain had awoken earlier than usual and set out down the beach. The main character remembers his breath hanging like smoke as he walked off, and the last sound he heard of him was a loud snort of indignation. His mother was upstairs with his father , and he was laying the breakfast table, when a man stepped in whom he'd never seen before. He was pale and tallowy, and was missing two fingers on his left hand. He wore a cutlass like the captain, though eh did not look much like a fighter. This man didn't seem like a sailor, and yet he had something about the sea in him too.
He asked him what he would like, and he said he would take rum. Then, as he was getting it, he sat down and motioned him to come closer. He asked him if he new a companion of his named Bill (which turned out to be the captain), and he answered no. He said that Bill would be known as the captain. He tells him about the features of Bill, such as a cut on the right cheek.
He then asks if Bill is in the house. the main character told him he was out walking. He pointed out the rock he had gone to and how the captain was likely to return. The stranger kept hanging around the inn door, peering around the corner like a cat waiting for a mouse. The main character once stepped out, but the stranger ordered him right back in, and, as he did not obey quickly enough, he ordered him with an oath that made him jump. All the time they were waiting at the door for Bill, the stranger kept swallowing what the main character's family used to call a lump in the throat. At last the captain came in and slammed the door behind him. The stranger called his name, and the captain spun around and faced them. He looked like he had seen a ghost. The stranger was revealed to be someone code named Black Dog. He and Bill talked for a while, And then there was a rapid explosion of oaths and other noises, and then the table and chair fell over and there were sudden cries of pain. Black Dog was running with the captain. The captain suddenly asked for rum after Black Dog disappeared over the hill. The doctor suddenly came and asked Jim (the main character) to get him a basin. he took some blood out of the captain (because that was how they thought people healed back then). The doctor once again warned him of death if he kept drinking rum. He then carried him off to his bed and suggested he stay there for a week, but warned that another stroke would settle him.
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Treasure Island Chapter 1
So I'm reading the book Treasure Island this summer. So far it seems interesting. It uses different types of speaking and metaphors to enhance meaning.
The first chapter is about a man who just looks back to a certain time in the countryside at his father's Inn. An interesting person who came in was a big man with nutbrown skin and a pigtail who turned out to be a villainous captain. The captain was often very quiet at first and would hang around the Inn for the whole time. He was also looking for a treasure somewhere, but he wouldn't let anybody know that. He asked people about it, and for a while it seemed tat he just wanted some company. But they soon realized he was avoiding any company. He had also said he would give the father a monthly pay if he would keep a look out for a seafaring man with one leg. It gave the father nightmares. He would imagine him in a thousand different forms. The worst of these nightmares would be of the man pursuing and chasing him.
The captain turned out to be absolutely terrible. He would also often tell stories of bad things like walking the plank, and he would sing and force everybody to do so as well. He would never even let anybody leave until he drunk himself to sleep with rum. He would also often rise up in anger if a question was being asked or even if there were no questions at all. He would assume that nobody was listening to him. He would also force people into silence and slam his hand hard on the table. One night though, when he was singing his song, a doctor, who turned out to be the controller of his district, turned to him in anger, making it clear he didn't like his song at all. When the captain slammed his hand against the table, which everybody knew meant "silence", the doctor kept talking. The captain yelled at him to be quiet. The doctor then mentioned that if he kept drinking rum, he would soon die. They broke into a long fight. The doctor then mentioned that he did rule the district, and that if he heard this kind of behavior from him ever again, he would have him hunted down, punished, and sent away. Because of this, the captain then kept quiet for many evenings to come.
Part 2 of the picture collection
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Here I am !!!

This is my brother !!!

He is my best friend and as you can see he is a comedian!
Birth of Godzilla 1952

This is the birth of Godzilla made in 1952. In this scene Godzilla is coming out of an egg. Awww, how cute!

This will be an animation called Anguirus.

This is the American Godzilla. There is also a Japanese one.
Godzilla Tokyo SOS

This is called Godzilla Tokyo SOS and he is destroying an Island City.
Godzilla vs. Barney and his stinkin' friends

This is Godzilla vs. Barney and his stinkin' friends who didn't take a bath. Godzilla is having them for dinner. Everyone except Ryan and me because Godzilla really likes us!
Godzilla vs. Rodan

This will be a movie called Godzilla vs. Fire Rodan.
Mecha King Ghidorah

This is called Mecha King Ghidorah. This will be part of the Godzilla King of the Monsters series.

This is fire Rodan. He changes color and becomes fire Rodan.
Godzilla's Revenge

This is called Godzilla's revenge. He is catching a human.
Godzilla's Muscles

These are Godzillas muscles. Godzilla is very strong.
Godzilla bites Barney's stinkin' head off

This is Godzilla vs. Barney. In this scene Godzilla is biting Barney's stinkin' head off.
Godzilla Attacks 1993

This is Godzilla 1993. He is destroying the city of Tokyo.
Godzilla 1954

This is Godzilla 1954. This scene is Black and White and he is coming out of the water. Tune in for more! Thanks for watching!
About my Godzilla installations...
So, those are my kid pix installations up there. But before I go on, I must inform you that it is not all fun and games here. Or maybe it is, you decide? You see, my mom turns everything into a learning adventure. You may look at my interest in Godzilla and see just that, a toy Godzilla. My mom however sees Math, Science , Social Studies, you name it, in everything that we do. For instance, when I make Godzilla toys, we measure them, each and everyone. Ryan helps! And, that’s math! I also have a strong interest in exporting my toys and opening my own Godzilla store. So, we work a lot with money and learning about the business of exporting, and that’s also math! Godzilla can be made from many different types of materials ... plastic, vinyl, clay, etc… . And, these materials can be mixed with other chemicals to make the toy more durable. That’s science! And, I like science! So does Ryan! We also looove learning about Tokyo, Japanese yen, and the Japanese language when we play with Godzilla. Here is a google map that we made of Godzilla destroying buildings around Tokyo (see below). I learned a lot about the city this way. That’s Social Studies! So you get the idea. Now Ryan has something to say. "I have Godzilla unleashed." "And, I have an Anguirus toy." "I have a King Ghidorah toy." "AND I have a Gigan toy." Alright alright Ryan that’s enough. "No, no I have something else to say." What is it? "I also have a Mothra toy!" Okay, okay, (covering Ryan's mouth) back to you people, here are some of my drawings of Godzilla. And some that Ryan drew. I just love my little brother:)!
Godzilla Destroys Tokyo

You can learn all about Tokyo and other cities in Japan from the map that I made.
American Godzilla

He's roaring! Rrrrr!
Godzilla destroys all monsters

This is an animation and a future movie.
Godzilla 2000

This is a picture of Godzilla 2000. It is a good one.

This is an Allosaurus! It is from walking with dinosaurs.
Young Allosaurus

This is a 3 year old Allosaurus. He is pretty much of a grown up like in walking with dinosaurs. He is creeping up on a Ornitholestes.
Godzilla's FOOT

This is godzilla's foot. Look at how big it is compared to how big we are. If he stomped on us, he would crush us!
Godzilla's BIG mouth

This is part of an animation. A BIG one too just like Godzilla's BIG mouth and foot. In this part of the animation he is roaring. What do you think he'll do next?
Scary T-REX

This animation is of a t-rex growling at an Oviraptor. The t-rex is really angry. Do you think he'll eat him?